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Moxielicious with Alexia Vernon

Oct 27, 2020

Mindful Millionaire expert, Leisa Peterson, is a Sedona-based author, business growth strategist, money expert, mindset coach and podcaster.  She is an internationally recognized authority on bridging the gap between financial freedom and human spiritual potential.

Leisa has a unique ability to draw from biology, neuroscience, philosophy, spiritual teachings and psychology to create a synthesis of knowledge that helps people understand scarcity and prosperity in profoundly affecting ways. She’s had the great fortune of witnessing 1,000’s of money breakthroughs and financial healings as a result of the process she explores in her book, The Mindful Millionaire. 

During our conversation on how to lock into a mindful millionaire mindset and cultivate mindful millionaire practices, Leisa and I discussed:

  • What our chakras reveal to us about our subconscious blocks that are getting us in our own way of prosperity
  • The “bad habits” that are getting too many coaches, consultants, and experts in our way of making money, maximizing profits, and having predictable cash flow
  • Why we need to be tracking our business profit and loss every day – and how Leisa has designed a system that allows her clients to do this
  • How to grow a business without taking on debt to do so
  • Top questions entrepreneurs should be asking themselves to avoid pricing mistakes and to better hit desired sales targets


Resources Mentioned in This Episode